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Welcome - The Training Hub

Thank you for accessing the "Advocacy within Health Funded Processes" training programme.  Within this hub, you can access information, guidance and gain valuable insights into providing advocacy within health funded processes.  

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Independent Advocates have a crucial role to play in supporting people and their families to access, navigate and control the care and support they need to lead happy and successful lives.

The materials are part of a NHS England supported project designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of advocates working within health funded support.  This specifically includes Personal Health Budgets (PHBs), Continuing Healthcare (CHC), s117 aftercare and Personal Wheelchair Budgets.  

There are significant disparities in how advocacy is commissioned, as well as in how statutory guidance and legislation is interpreted. To address concerns that this ultimately creates unfair access to advocacy, this training hub aims to upskill advocates in the technicalities of health care process and the practicalities of delivering effective advocacy that has impact. Through this hub, you can access 5 sections with content on:

  • Personalised Care

  • Continuing Healthcare

  • s117 aftercare services

  • Health inequalities

  • How advocacy can make an impact in personalised health care

The resources have been developed by NDTi and Kate Mercer Training. We would like to say a special thank you to Asist, Connected Voice, People's Hub, NHS England & NHS Improvement's Personalised Care Strategic Co-Production Group and NHS England and NHS Improvement's Personalised Care Group who have generously given their time and experience.

There are five steps to completing the course. The first two steps involve accessing on line training from Future Learn and NHS training.  We are delighted to confirm that access has been negotiated totally free for advocates through this platform.  Please do use this offer of free training as the content provides perfect background knowlegde for advocates working within health funded processes.

The remaining three steps have been developed specifically to support advocates and have been developed in partnership with advocates, services and people who use services.

We hope you enjoy the course. 

To get started simply click 'Step 1 Personalised Care' below.

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